
Sockets are the physical plugs that you plug into a power outlet and which you then plug devices into. The default Pi-mote pack comes with two (if you elect to buy it that way), but the device can control up to four.

Reviewing sockets

You'll see the current sockets available from the dropdown in the Add Timer form on the main page.

Alternatively, head to http:///ha/sockets in a browser to see the existing devices.

If you prefer the command line, you'll find the socket details under /var/www/ha/config/sockets.json

Adding a socket

The application comes pre-configured for two sockets. If you wish to add additional sockets, you can do this in two ways:

  1. via the web UI
  2. by editing the sockets.json file

Via the web UI

To add a socket via the web UI, head to http:///ha/sockets in a web browser.

On the right you'll see an Add Device form.

Fill in the name of the device (e.g. the location) to be able to identify it, then click Add.

Note: The system won't prevent you adding more than four sockets, but only four will work.

Via the command line

To add a socket via the command line, you need to edit config/sockets.json

sudo nano /var/www/ha/config/sockets.json

It's a JSON formatted file, so add a new dictionary using this format:

    "state": false,
    "num": 3,
    "name": "Socket 3"


  • State is the current statue (true for on, false for off)
  • num is the socket number (needs to be an int, not a string, just add one to the previous highest)
  • name the name used in the web UI, used to identify it

Removing a socket

Currently, the only way to remove a socket is to edit the sockets.json file. You need to run:

sudo nano /var/www/ha/config/sockets.json

Then remove the relevant dictionary (the text between the opening { and closing }, and delete the comma the precedes the opening curly bracket.